CBCS 2nd; 4th & 6th Semester GE Political Science Syllabus//NBU

Nil's Niva


CBCS 2nd; 4th & 6th Semester

GE Political Science Syllabus

North Bengal University

Feminism: Theory and Practice

1. Approaches to understanding Patriarchy

(a) Feminist theorizing of the sex/gender distinction. Biologism versus social constructivism

(b) Understanding Patriarchy and Feminism

(c)Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Radical feminism, New Feminist Schools/Traditions

2. History of Feminism

(a)Origins of Feminism in the West: France, Britain and United States of America

(b)Feminism in the Socialist Countries: China, Cuba and erstwhile USSR

(c)Feminist issues and women’s participation in anti-colonial and national liberation movements with special focus on India

3. The Indian Experience

(a)Traditional Historiography and Feminist critiques. Social Reforms Movement and position of women in India. History of Women’s struggle in India

(b)Family in contemporary India - patrilineal and matrilineal practices. Gender Relations in the Family, Patterns of Consumption: Intra Household Divisions, entitlements and bargaining, Property Rights

(c)Understanding Woman’s Work and Labour – Sexual Division of Labour, Productive and Reproductive labour, Visible - invisible work – Unpaid (reproductive and care),Underpaid and Paid work,- Methods of computing women’s work , Female headed Households.

জ্ঞ্যানজ্যোতি কোচিং সেন্টার



CEO-Nitish Paul

জ্ঞ্যানজ্যোতি কোচিং সেন্টার

তোমাদের উজ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ে তুলব আমরা, এটাই আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি

অনলাইনে কোচিং নিতে হলে এবং বিভিন্ন নোট নিতে হলে এই নাম্বারে কল করুন।


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