CBCS 2nd Semester DSC Sociology Syllabus//NBU//General Course

Nil's Niva



Sociology of India 

Course Objectives: This paper aims to provide an outline of the institutions and processs of Indian society. The central objective is to encourage students to view the Indian reality through a sociological lens.

Unit-01: India - A plural Society  Features of Pluralism, Unity in Diversity

UNIT-2: Social Institutions and Practices  Caste – concept, definition, Characteristics, Jajmani system Nature of change.  Tribe - Notion, definition, Characteristics, Location, Tribal economy.  Class – Agrarian class, peasant  Village – Structure, economy, Nature of change

UNIT-3: Institution of Family and Kinship  Family   - Definition, Forms, Structural and Functional Change  Kinship  - Usages, Significance in Society  Marriage - Definition, Forms, Structural and Functional Change

UNIT-4: Identities and Change  Dalits Movement   Womens Movement

UNIT- 5: State and Society: Civil society Meaning , Feature , Role in contemporary Society Communalism Causes of growth, Impact on contemporary Indian Society Secularism    - Meaning, concept, Challenges of Secularism in India

জ্ঞ্যানজ্যোতি কোচিং সেন্টার

তোমাদের উজ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ে তুলব আমরা, এটাই আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি

অনলাইনে কোচিং নিতে হলে এবং বিভিন্ন নোট নিতে হলে এই নাম্বারে কল করুন।


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