CBCS 1st semester History Syllabus||UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN||Honours Core Courses||Paper – I Syllabus||History of India (From Earliest Times up to 600 AD)

Nil's Niva


Semester - I

History Honours Core Courses

Paper – I  Syllabus


History of India-I (From Earliest Times up to 600 AD)

I. Reconstructing Ancient Indian History

Early Indian notions of History – Sources and tools of historical reconstruction – Historical interpretations with special reference to gender, environment, technology, and regions.

II. Phases of Pre-historic Cultures

Paleolithic, Mesolithic & Neolithic cultures- regional and chronological distribution; new developments in technology and economy; subsistence, and patterns of exchange; Mehergarh - The advent of food production.

III. The Harappan civilization

Origins; Antiquity and Extent settlement patterns and town planning; agrarian base; craft productions and trade; social and political organization; religious beliefs and practices; art; the problem of urban decline and the late/post-Harappan traditions. Development of Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures in post Harappan period.

IV. Cultures in transition

Coming of the Aryans and Aryan Debate, Vedic Literature, expansion of Brahmavarta to Aryavarta, Vedic religion and philosophy; Vedic economy and society. Religious protest movements; Second Urbanisation, Sixteen Mahajanpadas to the rise of Magadha.

V. Changing political formations (circa 300 BCE to circa CE 300):

The Mauryan Empire & politics- Asoka and the Fall of the Mauryas Post-Mauryan Polities with special reference to the Kushanas and the Satavahanas; Gana-Sanghas. Rise of the Guptas, development of Gupta Empire, Gupta Art, Architecture and Literature

VI. Society Economy and Culture in Early India

Agrarian expansion: land grants, changing production relations; graded Land rights and peasantry. Urban growth: north India, central India and the Deccan; craft production: trade and trade routes; coinage social stratification: class, varna, Jati, untouchability; gender; marriage and property relations he problem of urban decline: patterns of trade, currency, and urban Settlements.

জ্ঞ্যানজ্যোতি কোচিং সেন্টার

তোমার উজ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ে তুলব আমরা, এটাই আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি

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জ্ঞ্যানজ্যোতি কোচিং সেন্টার

তোমাদের উজ্বল ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ে তুলব আমরা, এটাই আমাদের প্রতিশ্রুতি

অনলাইনে কোচিং নিতে হলে এবং বিভিন্ন নোট নিতে হলে এই নাম্বারে কল করুন।


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